Originally posted by:I have Stone Hill, have everything else (Reformed Pegan) and when I right click on my tribe town which is my capital no options to built a castle.I need help as I have invaded England and now I am stuck and cannot reform to Feudal.Please helpYou also need Max Tribal Authority.of cause, that is the first thing you go for when I started down the line to go Feudal, the Hill, the Law, and the Religion is a must before you even think about switching. All that is in GREEN.The only item in the Intrigue in red is the castle.Technology is already at level 2 working on level 3 and still nothing.
Ck2 Upgrade Tribe To City Bug
- Aug 14, 2013 - If your CK2 game was running the Sunset Invasion DLC when you exported it, the. Found the Imperial Cities: Production Efficiency +5%.
- Building forts in a tribe that will be upgraded to a city is a poor investment: 225 gold worth of buildings (for the first two levels) or 300 (for the last two) will turn into a mere 75-gold wall. Building towns in a tribe that will be upgraded to a castle is still not efficient, but not as bad: 225/300 gold turns into 150 gold structures.
I am a new player of CK2 (current patch) playing as the feudal King of Sweden on the standard start date. I conquered some tribal holdings in the North via holy war and, noticing the 'wrong type of holding' penalty, granted these to some of my middle sons and other relatives.These tribal vassals now hold a negative opinion of me due to 'wrong government type' and contribute minimal levies to me due to the tribal vs.
Crusader Kings II Video Game. Now is the time for greatness. Increase your lands and fill your coffers, appoint vassals, battle traitors, introduce laws while interacting with hundreds of nobles, and create the most powerful dynasty of medieval Europe. A beleaguered king will always have friends to support him.
Ck2 Upgrade Tribe To City Centre
Feudal mechanics. I have since figured out the 'upgrade tribal holdings to castles' decision that can be implemented after upgrading hillforts to level 4 and now try to do this for any new tribes I conquer before giving them away.My question is, if I upgrade my existing tribal vassals' hillforts to level 4 for them, will the 'upgrade tribal holdings' decision upgrade these counties as well, or does it just work for my demesne holdings? This would erase the strong negative opinion modifier and grant me actual levies from these counties, so I think it's worth the expense if possible.