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Personally the only macros I use any more are Target arena and focus arena Marcos. Great in bgs too for picking up flag carriers, less clicking the better. Then just a standard mouse over focus Marco for focus charge or focus plummel. If you stay arms, you can try Macroing focus rage into CS and slam, it helps make the FR build feel less clunky.( Maybe even charge/FR) But key bind separate macros for them and be warned, you will blow through rage. You kinda have to build around battle cry and deadly clam to counter this but you can have it up like every 25-30 secs. Once your used to it it's pretty smooth and the best single target damage your going to get. 11:09 AMPosted by Personally the only macros I use any more are Target arena and focus arena Marcos.
Great in bgs too for picking up flag carriers, less clicking the better. Then just a standard mouse over focus Marco for focus charge or focus plummel. /quote accurate. I have so many amazing macros from the stance dancing glory days that just don't do!@#$ anymore. Focus / arena frame 1-3 macros for stormbolt, charge, and pummel is pretty much it. Or your basic damage cooldown macros. Also I use this macro for overpower #showtooltip Overpower /equip Strom'kar, the Warbreaker /dismount /cancelaura Goblin Glider /cancelaura Bladestorm /cast mod:shift,@focus Overpower /startattack The shift modifier is from wrath to UA healers.
It's useful for opening on targets that you don't start off with charge. It's important to have a cancel bladestorm macro.
Just nice to have a macro like this. Cancel aura bladestorm into important things that need to go off when you need them to go off. Charge Bolt/Shock Reflect Fear Pummel Disarm Duel Execute I actually have one in Rend because of rogues. Other than that, having arena 123 and a main target / focus binds are helpful for 2s/3s and world / bg PVP. I.e - charge focus charge #showtooltip Charge /cancelaura Bladestorm /cast nomod:alt Charge /cast mod:alt;@focus Charge Replace charge with what ever you want I have the following Charge Rend Hamstring Fear Bolt Pummel Duel Disarm Maybe more not sure I'm at work and it's been 12hrs already lol.